Cook up anything you want with your music.
This is Bossa’s
tags, pictures and information about
the music in your music library. Organize,
re-arrange, re-name, search, find and
discover. The
Bossa Lab does is all. Everything
is clearly marked and displayed and
as easy as one click to get to.
Getting to the Bossa Lab
is easy
To go to the Lab from the
current song that’s playing in Bossa, just roll
over the song and click on the Lab icon
on the left. You can also get there
by rolling over a Mix that’s playing
or by going to an upcoming track in Bossa. Just
click on the Lab icon on the left and you’re
in the lab
All your current Selectors are shown as
well as additional popular selectors Bossa
finds online for the song and artist that
you are currently checking out in the Lab.
Click on additional tags you would like to
add and Bossa automatically adds them to
your selectors and stores them as additional
tags for that specific song.
Pictures in the lab
Click on the pictures tab and the Lab will
automatically search and find the latest
pictures related to the artist you’re
playing in Flickr. Roll over the pictures
to see captions associated with the pictures
or click on the pictures to enlarge them.
Make a slideshow
Click on a picture that you want
to enlarge and then click on the next button
and the Lab will turn into a slideshow of all
the pictures in the window.
Artist Information
Click on the Artist Info tab and the Lab will
retrieve any available information about the
artist you’re playing from Wikipedia. All
the information is contained within the lab window. You
can easily scroll down to read all the information
by using the scroll bar on the right. By
clicking on Wikipedia links within the lab window,
you’ll be taken straight to that specific
page in Wikipedia.
Add Selectors to your music
By clicking Selectors, the Lab automatically searches for additional popular
Selectors online. In this sample I added the additional genre “chillout” to
the Lemon Jelly song “Ramblin’ Man” You can now see two genre
tags; “Electronica/Dance” and “Chillout”. In the
existing Selectors box you can see that the album is “Lost Horizons” and
the artist “Lemon Jelly”. Now that I added “Chillout” as
an additional tag, “Ramblin’ Man will also appear when I do a search
for “Chillout”.
Selectors associated with
an Artist
See all the Selectors associated with an artist. By
clicking on “Lemon Jelly” all the
tags associated with them appear. All the
albums their songs and all the tags associated
with their songs appear in the first box.
All your Artist's songs
you scroll down all the Artist's songs in the
library are shown. In
this case there are 19 Lemon Jelly songs in
the music library and they appear in alphabetical
order. You
can click on a song to add it to
the playlist or do more research about that
specific song in the Lab.
Selectors associated with
a Genre
See all the selectors associated
with a genre. By clicking on “Downbeat” all
the selectors associated with that genre appear. Here
you can see all the albums and artists that are
tagged with the “Downbeat” genre. By
scrolling down you will see all the songs that
are associated with the “Downbeat” genre. You
can now click on any of the Selectors to add
them to your playlist, make changes or get more
Selectors associated with
an Album
See all the selectors associated with an Album
in the lab. In this sample the album is “Lemon
Jelly.ky” and you can see that the genre
is “downbeat” and the artist is “Lemon
Jelly” In addition the Lab also shows you
all the songs in that album. You can now
click on any of the Selectors to add them to
your playlist, make changes or get more information. In
addition you can add more Selectors by typing
them into the “Add Selectors” box.
Typing Additional Selectors
can add additional tags you want added
to the lab by typing them in the “Add
Selectors” box. Here
I only had to type an “S” and
from the additional Selectors that appeared
I clicked on “Synthpop” to add
that tag to the Lemon Jelly album. In
the future if I do a search for “Synthpop” or
click on the “Synthpop” Selector,
the “Lemon
Jelly.ky” album will appear.
See what you have in a Mix
By clicking on the Mixes tab you
can see all the details of your mix. All the
genres, artists and albums that are in your mix
are clearly labelled. By clicking on a mix you
can easily make changes to it by adding or deleting
Selectors. You can also create a new mix based
on the Selector in the Lab and you can add the
Selector to Mixes that don't contain it by clicking
on a mix listed at the bottom.
See everything in the Lab
By clicking on the Lab icon on the left
you’ll got to the Lab Home. This
is where everything in your lab will
show up; all your genres, albums and
artists. You can also see the total
number of selectors. By clicking
on the Track tab you’ll see all
the tracks in your music library. The
Mix tab will show you all the mixes you
have saved in Bossa as well as what’s
in each mix. By clicking the Dump
tab you can see all the songs that you’ve
dumped and didn’t want to hear. If
you’ve dumped a song by mistake,
you can remove it from you dump file
here as well.