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Bossa Music Player


Here's a "Sneak Preview" of the new Bossa music player. Bossa allows you to take total control of your music.

Here are the 4 main functions of Bossa:

Automator – Bossa’s built-in Timer

Schedule your music when you want and how you want. With the Automator you can play a timed event of any genre, artist, album, mix or any combination of these. You can schedule each 24 hour day in 5 minute increments or group a whole week of schedules. With the Automator enabled your music is on autopilot. The Automator: Music on on-time/Music off on-time.

Generator – Bossa’s Playlist Generator

Generate a timed playlist by specifying what you want to hear and how long. Bossa will automatically generate a playlist that will play in Bossa or you can download to your iPod. Choose artist, genre, album or any combination.

Mix – Select a saved Mix

The Mix is the archive of all your saved mixes in Bossa. Click on the mix you want to listen to in the Bossa player. Click on the mix for easy selection in the Automator or generator

Selector – Select your Music

The starting point of Bossa. The Selector allows for easy navigation to select what you want to hear. Bossa starts and the selector plays your specified mix. Just click and play another artist, genre, album, mix or any combo. Click further into the Selector and create and save mixes for even easier playback or retrieval for the Automator and your iPod.

Sign up for more information and features about Bossa as they become available.


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