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Wax Poetic 'Brasil'

wax poetic brasil.jpg

Wax Poetic’s Brasil is the final installment of a three-part series of records from the Nublu founder and bandleader Ilhan Ersahin’s Wax Poetic project. Where Wax Poetic’s first major release saw Ersahin collaborating with Norah Jones, N’dea Davenport and Saul Williams, Wax Poetic’s Brasil brings Ilhan in body and spirit to South America. On the album he collaborates with Bebel Gilberto, Sabina Sciubba of Brazilian Girls, Otto, Karina Zeviani, Mamelo Soundsystem and Forro in the Dark, making a work not only highlighting the talent within the country’s borders but also reflecting its vibrancy and grace.


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