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DJ Sun 'Monday Drive EP'

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A prolific DJ and radio show host, DJ SUN debuts as a recording artist with the EP Monday Drive. The release is reflective of his varied background; blending styles and nostalgic aesthetics into a down to midtempo sound. Warm, immediate and slightly scuffed, DJ SUN produces songs which retain the flavor of vintage vinyl. “Monday Drive” is just that—a hazy, winding dreamscape of sparkling keyboards and dusty beats. Presto, a veteran of downtempo and hip hop production, lends an Asian touch in the “Monday Drive” remix. “Marksonthekeys” is a collaboration with Mark Sound featuring lush keyboard and guitar work contrasted by a pushing drum track. Nappy G contributes a lively backbone of percussion to the haunting grooves of “Hello,” while emerging artists Karina Nistal and Jawwaad lend their vocals to this unorthodox duet. “Ten” is a nod to Massive Attack, which has been hugely influential to DJ SUN, and features Jessica Zweback (SkyBlue 72) and Mark Sound on keyboards. The track was included on the Scion CD11 compilation Label-Less Lifestyles, released last year. Exploring new terrain as well as old, the five tracks on the Monday Drive EP are guaranteed to keep you moving.


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