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Kraak & Smaak 'The Remix Sessions'

Kraak and Smaak.jpg

The multi-talented Dutch artists Kraak & Smaak shine in their unprecedented, soul-shaking compilation, The Remix Sessions. Kraak & Smaak take their crackling energy and infuse classic jams with their signature style. Hard-to-find tracks, many of which were only released on vinyl, join each other in this amazing showcase.

From the banging dance floor " Mimezine – Can’t get Enough (Kraak & Smaak Remix)," to funky, mid tempo "Jamiroquai – Electric Mistress (Kraak & Smaak Remix)" to eerie, internationally-infused "Skeewiff – Man of Constant Sorrow (Kraak & Smaak Remix)," Kraak & Smaak reveal their astounding vision for the possibilities of electronica. This beat-driven assembly is an invaluable resource for re-tracing the various pathways of this modern musical expression.


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