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Nickodemus 'Endangered Species'


There is something to be said about the exposure you get from having your music featured in an Apple iTunes/iPod ad. The latest iTunes television ad features a song called "Mi Swing es Tropical" by Nickodemus. The song was originally released on his own label in 2005 and could be found on a couple of compilations as well. Last fall Nickodemus signed to ESL (Eighteenth Street Lounge Records.....Thievery Corporation's label) and they repackaged/reworked some songs and re-released "Endangered Species".

The release wasn't getting much traction, but with the new exposure from the Apple ad, ESL is once again making a marketing push and with much more success this time. It reminds me of Sia's album "Colour the Small One" that languished for a year before her song "Breathe Me" was featured in the finale of "Six Feet Under". Right away there was another big push for her album, a tour and "Breathe Me" became that song from Six Feet Under.

Check out the Apple/Nickodemus ad and song here:


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