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Ulrich Schnauss 'Quicksand Memory EP'

Ulrich Schnauss.jpg

It has been over six years since Ulrich Schnauss introduced the world to his wonderful blend of electronic textures and shoegazer aesthetics featured on his debut album "Far Away Trains Passing By". It has also been four years since Ulrich’s last recorded testament "A Strangely Isolated Place" hit store shelves in his native Germany in 2003. The latter album cemented Ulrich’s place among the elite electronic artists. The album combined the early 90s’ sound of pioneering acts like Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine with modern electronic tapestries.

Thankfully the Quicksand Memory EP is here to bring Ulrich’s musical drought to an end and to announce the arrival of Ulrich’s upcoming full length new album "Goodbye" out July 10th. The Quicksand Memory EP features two brand new tracks. “Look At The Sky” opens the EP with a song that translates Ulrich’s compositional vision with the unexpected help of a live band. The 2nd track “Medusa” is the EPs true gem which will also appear on the new album. The remaining tracks are Robin Guthrie’s (Cocteau Twins) reworking of two of Ulrich’s most celebrated songs, “Gone Forever” and the stunning “On My Own.”


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