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Bossa Lab - Artist Information

A lot of you have been letting me know how much you like looking at artist pictures in the Bossa Lab, but another great function of the Bossa Lab is the information tab. By clicking on information, Bossa automatically searches for the artist of the current song that's playing in Bossa through Wikipedia. As you can see in the image below, I'm playing "Safe from Harm" from Massive Attack. All the information about Massive Attack automatically gets pulled from Wikipedia into the Bossa Lab. Before Bossa, I would have to open my web browser separately to look up a song or an artist I was listening to. Now Bossa makes it all automatic. Do you hear a song you like and want more information? Want to see artist pictures? Want to see what other selectors or tags for a song people are using? It's all right there for you in the Bossa Lab. The Bossa Lab is just another way that Bossa lets you do more with iTunes.



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