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Bossa Lab - Artist Pictures

As many of you noticed recently, Flickr changed some settings in their API which made the Bossa Lab search incorrect servers for artist pictures. Everything has been straightened out now so when you click on artist pictures in the Bossa Lab, pictures of whatever artist you are playing in Bossa will show up in the Lab window.

This is also a good opportunity to talk a bit more about the great functions built into the Bossa Lab. As you can see from the image below, I'm playing a Felix Da Housecat track and pictures of Felix are pulled up into the Lab via Flickr. These are all the most recent pictures that users have posted and tagged with Felix Da Housecat. You can click on each image to enlarge or simply sit back and watch them in a slideshow. When the next song starts to play in Bossa, the Lab will automatically retrieve new pictures of that artist.


Not only does the Bossa Lab do a great job finding pictures, it also pulls artist information via Wikipedia, shows you what music you have in your mixes and finds tags online to help you with your song organization.

Bossa simply lets you do more with iTunes. Check it out at www.mybossa.com


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