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Making a Quick Playlist with the Bossa Generator

A lot of you have been sending us feedback about all the features you like in Bossa. The Automator and Lab are at the top of everyone's list, but the one function I go back to on almost a daily basis is the Generator. The Bossa Generator allows you to make a playlist that you're able to download to your iPod on the fly. The other day I wanted to put some music together for a quick, one hour mountain bike ride through the hills behind my house here in Hood River. I made a quick list in the Generator that included 15 minute blocks of Latin, Reggae, Dance and Electro Disco. Within seconds Bossa put my playlist together in iTunes and from there all I had to do was load it to my iPod and off on my bike I was.

This is what the Generator looks like when I made my playlist:


Here's the playlist I listened to on my bike ride:

Morenito - Stephane Pompougnac
Latin Track - Thunderball
Maria Moita - Nicola Conte Apresenta Rosalia De Souza
Almighty4 - Vibronics
Three Little Birds - Bob Marley
Horny Dub - Rootical Sound
Darker Shade Of Black - Jackie Mittoo
808 The Bass Queen (Queen of Bass Mix) - Swayzak
Waterman (Radio Edit) - Olav Basoski Feat. Michie One
Look On The Floor , Hypnotic Tango - BananaRama
Johnny Cash - Get Rhythemz DJ Paparazzi
Tigertron (Feat Factory Aire) - Le Castle Vania
The Electric Lady - Steed Lord
Sister Self Doubt 2 - Get Shakes

We'd love to hear how you're using the Generator to put together your playlists. Share what you're doing on our Bossa Forums under the heading: Your Mixes.


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